Should I Get A Halo Laser Treatment?

Southlake Plastic Surgery

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Should I Get A Halo Laser Treatment?

With all the anti-aging aesthetic treatments on the market, it can be difficult for people to know exactly which will best address their concerns.

Laser treatments offer dramatic skin-rejuvenating results, but there are many laser procedures to choose from – some of which may be better suited to your needs than others. The Halo laser, for instance, is a great option for patients who want to achieve dramatic results without taking significant time off work or social activities to heal.

When considering whether to have a Halo laser treatment in Dallas or Ft. Worth at Southlake Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, it is important to ask the following questions:

Who is the best candidate for a Halo treatment in Dallas and Ft. Worth?

If you have begun to notice一and feel bothered by一the signs of aging, dark pigmentation, uneven skin tone, or enlarged pores, and you want a gentle, yet effective treatment, you are likely an excellent candidate for Halo laser treatments at our office in Southlake.

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Thanks to the Halo laser’s state-of-the-art hybrid fractional technology, we can customize your Halo treatment entirely to your specific needs, including balancing the aggressiveness of the treatment to put you in more control of your recovery time.

During your initial skin consultation with our experienced laser specialists, we will evaluate your health & medical history, explain the laser treatment process, and go over all your questions to ensure you are an ideal candidate for the Halo laser in Dallas and Ft. Worth.

What happens during a Halo laser treatment?

After your consultation & thorough skin analysis, we will schedule an appointment for your Halo treatment. We will also provide you with all necessary pre-treatment instructions; including medications or supplements, med spa treatments, and topical skin care products you may need to avoid.

On the day of your laser treatment, you should arrive at our office in Southlake with a clean, dry face and comfortable clothing. We will first apply a topical numbing cream, which will remain on the skin for about an hour to minimize any discomfort the laser may cause.

The Procedure
For the Halo treatment, you will sit or lie down and we will protect your eyes with special safety shields. Your laser clinician will then treat the area(s) of your skin section by section, rolling the Halo handpiece in a criss-cross pattern until the treatment is complete.

Note: Facial treatments take approximately 35 to 45 minutes, chest or neck treatments are approximately 20 minutes, we can treat hands in 15 minutes or fewer, and some body zones can take up to 90 minutes.

What is recovery from a Halo treatment like?

Since we tailor the procedure to each individual’s needs, each patient responds differently to the Halo laser. Typically, patients’ skin will appear red and swollen immediately after the treatment, and may feel like a sunburn. The skin may appear more “bronzed” as well while the targeted spots of hyperpigmentation resolve themselves.

Compared with other laser resurfacing treatments which may require a full week or more of downtime, the Halo laser offers similar results, but with much more minimal recovery time.

Depending on how aggressive the treatment with the Halo laser is, clients can expect to take 2-5 days of downtime.

The short-term benefits of a Halo treatment can be seen within a week of the procedure, with long-term skin rejuvenating benefits revealing themselves over several months. With adequate sun protection and healthy skin care practices, patients can make the results of their Halo treatment last for years!

Where should I go for a Halo laser treatment in Dallas and Ft. Worth?

When choosing the right place to have your Halo treatment in Dallas and Ft. Worth, it is extremely important to select a venue that has the highest patient safety and clinical training standards.

For example, at Southlake Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we make sure we offer our patients safe and effective treatment options, whether it’s Halo, or a different laser or cosmetic procedure. Board-certified physicians with extensive experience and training oversee our med spa practice and treatments.

Let our team help you with our anti-aging treatments in Southlake

Southlake Plastic Surgery & Med Spa is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery and medical aesthetics procedures in Dallas, Ft. Worth, and surrounding areas.

Our expert team of talented aesthetic professionals is here to help you look and feel your best.

Additionally, our AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center in Dallas is led by our medical director and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Mason. He has been helping patients for over 20 years and holds surgical privileges at several hospitals in the Dallas area.

Use our instant consultation to tell us about your areas of concern, or schedule your first consultation today.

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