Moxi Laser in Dallas: Rejuvenate Your Skin with Zero Downtime

Southlake Plastic Surgery

Woman Smiling in a Park with Bubbles Surrounding Her

As we’re nearing summer, there are some activities and treatments it’s safer to avoid. As much as we might want them this time of year—tattoos, laser hair removal, and other laser treatments are best without the sun’s help. 

However, Moxi by Sciton is a special case; this gentle laser resurfacing treatment is safe for all skin types and tones year-round. 

Moxi at Southlake Plastic Surgery is great for a number of different skin conditions, such as uneven tone, texture, and wrinkles. It revitalizes your skin for the summer and you don’t even have to miss out on any fun plans in the Dallas sun!

What is Moxi? 

Moxi is a low-level, non-ablative laser, meaning it heats the underlying tissue without affecting the skin’s surface. It delivers fractionated laser energy to the skin, causing your body to naturally start replacing these damaged cells with new ones. 

It works by heating up the underlying skin tissue and leaving the skin’s surface unharmed. There is no physical injury to the skin, like with ablative lasers. The heat energy alone with this non-ablative laser is able to stimulate collagen growth and new cell growth to resurface the skin.

Collagen is a protein found naturally within us that keeps our skin firm, tight, and healthy. Collagen regeneration leaders to healthier, youthful looking skin. 

Related: 5 Things You’ll Love About Moxi Laser Skin Resurfacing

Stephanie talks about the Moxi Laser in this video:

Ablative vs. Non-Ablative

Ablative lasers use heat to create tiny micro wounds on the first layer of the skin, signaling the body to heal itself and produce collagen and elastin. Because of the damage to the skin (that eventually turns into amazing results), there is a 2 to 3 week downtime period.

With non-ablative lasers, there is no wounding process; there is only heat and light. With this less invasive laser, the results are just as stunning, and the treatment requires basically no downtime! 

What Moxi Treats 

Moxi treats a variety of different skin concerns for all skin types and tones. 

  • Sun damage
  • Age spots
  • Acne
  • Scarring
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sagging skin
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Skin texture
  • Melasma 

We treat the following areas with Moxi in Dallas: 

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Back 

Am I a Candidate?

The great thing about Moxi is it’s safe for all skin types and tones and all ages. Historically, laser skin resurfacing treatments haven’t been safe for darker skin tones, like type 5 and 6, but Moxi is changing the game. Even people with sensitive skin can benefit from this treatment. 

If you want to simply revitalize or “prejuvenate” your skin to prevent or correct wrinkles, fine lines, imperfections, or textural issues, you’re a candidate! 

Am I a candidate for Moxi laser? Take the Quiz!

How Many Sessions You’ll Need

At Southlake Plastic Surgery, we recommend a package treatment of 3 sessions spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart for the best results. The 3 to 4 weeks in between gives you skin time to repair itself and for all the flakiness to go away. If you choose to do only one treatment, you will still see benefits!

After your final session, it’s up to you whether you want to ride out your newfound glow for as long as you can or come in once or twice a year for maintenance. The more Moxi, the merrier! 

Woman at a Desk Handing a Patient a Clipboard During an Appointment

Treatment Session Duration 

This treatment is commonly known as a “lunch break” treatment for how quick it is! We usually schedule your session for 1 hour because we’ll need some time to prepare and answer any questions you have, but the treatment itself is only 15 minutes. 


One of the most attractive parts of this treatment is there is little to no downtime—hence the “lunch break” treatment title. 

Limit Sun Exposure 

You should stay out of the sun directly after your treatment; we recommend limiting your sun exposure for 2 to 8 hours.  

Resume Normal Routine

Right after your treatment in Dallas, your skin may be a little pink and warm, but you’ll be able to apply makeup and use a gentle cleanser within 24 hours. When you return to the sun, sunscreen is an absolute must. Your skin is more sensitive after Moxi, so you need to protect it. 

No Picking or Touching

Your skin will peel—it’s creating brand new cells and getting rid of the old ones! We know it’s hard to resist, but do not interrupt the natural process by picking at it or rubbing it. 

Does Moxi Hurt? 

Moxi doesn’t hurt! It’s a gentle treatment in which you may only feel a mild prickly heat sensation on your skin. If you’re worried about discomfort and sensitive to certain sensations, we have 2 options for you! 

1. Topical Anesthesia

We can apply a topical anesthetic to numb your treatment area so you’ll feel nothing during your Moxi session.

2. Pro-Nox

Sometimes the anticipation of pain steals the show. To combat this, we offer Pro-Nox, an anxiety relief blend of 50% Nitrous Oxide and 50% Oxygen (laughing gas). It allows you to handle whatever sensations you feel and keep calm. 

Pro-Nox does not affect consciousness at all; you are able to control your own intake throughout the procedure by breathing through the mouthpiece as much as you need. 

The effects of Pro-Nox wear off after just a few minutes. 

Moxi Results 

Although you’ll notice some results in a few days, the best results come after those 3 treatment sessions. You’ll see final results in 3 months!

Complementary Treatments

When it comes to skincare treatments, two is better than one! We’re going to share with you a few treatments that complement Moxi well so you can get the best out of your skin resurfacing treatment in Dallas. During your consultation, we can talk about pairing any of these up with Moxi!


Dermaplaning is a popular, pain-free skin exfoliation procedure in which your aesthetics professional uses a surgical blade to remove dead skin cells and hairs from the surface of your skin.

Remember how we talked about how you shouldn’t pick your peeling skin? Well, the professionals at Southlake know how to remove the flakes and dead cells without causing damage! 

Dermaplaning is a painless and zero-downtime procedure that enhances all kinds of facial treatments. 

When can I do dermaplaning after Moxi? 

You can come in for some incredible exfoliation from dermaplaning 5 to 7 days after your Moxi treatment. 

Close-Up of Patient Receiving a HydraFacial


While dermaplaning’s main goal is to exfoliate and remove impurities, a HydraFacial takes things to the next level with hydration (still no downtime). 

Your aesthetics professional will first cleanse and exfoliate, then extract impurities and deliver moisture and hydration to your skin. This facial can decrease your pore size and assist Moxi in correcting uneven skin tone and fine lines. 

When can I get a HydraFacial after Moxi? 


A HydraFacial one week before Moxi enhances the laser results by cleansing and prepping your skin.


When you receive this facial 5 to 7 days after Moxi, it maximizes results by hydrating and removing dead skin cells.

BBL Hero 

As if your skin couldn’t get any more smooth and flawless, the BBL Hero delivers light to your skin on many parts of your body. Any signs of aging and dull skin vanish with BBL Hero, especially when it’s paired with Moxi. 

BBL Hero Treats:

  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Chest
  • Shoulders 

When can I schedule a BBL Hero treatment after Moxi? 

These two treatments are both so safe and gentle that they can be done in the same session! We can talk about what this might look like during your consultation.  

Southlake Plastic Surgery’s Process

If you’re interested in Moxi or a combination of any of the treatments above, here is what your experience with our team will look like! 

1. Complimentary consultation 

During your initial consultation with one of our laser experts, we will talk about your treatment area(s), goals, and expectations for Moxi in Dallas. Since it can be done all over the body, you have a lot of areas to choose from, and you’re definitely not limited to one. 

We will then examine those areas in order to build your custom treatment plan. This might include any of the supplementary treatments we mentioned if you’re interested in maximizing your results.  

2. Moxi Laser Session

Your laser specialist will answer any questions you have, prep the treatment areas, and use the Moxi handpiece to target your skin concerns. This takes about 15 minutes.   

3. Next steps

After your treatment session, we will schedule your follow-up session and provide you with the short list of aftercare instructions. Once you mark your calendar, you’re free to return to your day. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an ideal age for Moxi in Dallas? 

No! Moxi is safe for all ages.

What does it mean to prejuvenate skin? 

“Prejuvenate” describes the preventative nature of Moxi. The treatment doesn’t just correct issues, it stops issues from happening in the first place. It’s a great treatment for those who want to prevent and slow the skin aging process. 

Can I continue doing my skincare routine along with Moxi? 

Yes. In fact, Moxi makes your products work better by giving you healthier skin and allowing your skin to absorb more product. 

Will Moxi work on my skin tone?

Yes! Moxi works on all skin tones. 

When will I see the final results? 

If you finish the recommended number of treatment sessions, you should see final results within 3 months! 

Prepare for a Summer in Dallas with Moxi 

A skin rejuvenation treatment that’s safe for summer in Dallas is a dream come true. If you’re tired of hiding your hyperpigmentation with makeup or you simply want a clean skin slate, our skin experts can help you regain your glow. 

Schedule your consultation 

Tell us about your skin and what you hope to achieve during a consultation. 

Schedule a consultation 


If you have questions about the treatment or anything else—contact us

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